How to Choose a Baby Name as per Birth Chart

Vedic astrology is a way of looking at the positions of stars and planets to understand valuable things about our lives. When choosing a name for baby, Vedic astrology looks at the baby’s sun or zodiac sign to find names that are considered lucky and bring good fortune to the child and their family. So, ifContinue reading “How to Choose a Baby Name as per Birth Chart”

What is the Role of Nakshatras Astrology in Our Life

First things first, Nakshatras or collections of stars make a lot of difference to our lives because of the astrological calculations inherent in them. As per Vedic Astrology, each Nakshatra or a Star Constellation is represented by a star. There are 27 Nakshatras, based on the division of 360 degree sky into 27 subdivisions ofContinue reading “What is the Role of Nakshatras Astrology in Our Life”

Dosha Astrology – What is Kundli Dosha and How They Affect Our Life

Kundli Dosh Whenever someone fails in life, it is quite natural to look for the reason behind that failure, be it in relationships, career, education or in general. While there may be a personal reason behind each failure or may be it happens because it is destined. The setbacks in life are often a resultContinue reading “Dosha Astrology – What is Kundli Dosha and How They Affect Our Life”

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