Who Are the Biggest Liars in the Zodiac Signs

Your zodiac sign can say a lot about who you are, including how honest you might be. It can show if someone tends to lie or be deceitful. So, if you want to figure out if someone is honest, you can look at their zodiac sign to get an idea. Watch out for these zodiacContinue reading “Who Are the Biggest Liars in the Zodiac Signs”

Magh Gupt Navratri

हिन्दू धर्म में नवरात्रि का त्यौहार बहुत ही भव्य रूप से मनाया जाता है। नवरात्रि के 9 दिन भक्त मां दुर्गा की पूजा अर्चना करते हैं और व्रत रखते हैं। हिन्दू पंचांग के अनुसार साल में 4 बार नवरात्रि का त्योहार मनाया जाता है। इनमें से चैत्र नवरात्रि और शारदीय नवरात्रि के बारे में अधिकतर लोगों को जानकारी होती हैContinue reading “Magh Gupt Navratri”

Navratri 2023: शारदीय नवरात्रि में ये 4 राशियां होंगी मालामाल

Shardiya Navratri Festival: तुला राशि में मंगल और केतु विराजमान हैं, 18 अक्टूबर को सूर्य भी तुला राशि में प्रवेश करेंगे/Sun Enter in Libra और 19 अक्टूबर को बुध तुला राशि में https://www.vinaybajrangi.com/festivals/durga-visarjan.phpगोचर करेंगे/Mercury Transit in Libra जिस कारण तुला राशि में चार ग्रहों की युति यानी चतुर्थी योग का निर्माण होगा। ग्रहों की यहContinue reading “Navratri 2023: शारदीय नवरात्रि में ये 4 राशियां होंगी मालामाल”

Yogini Ekadashi 2023 – Everything You need to Know!

The Tithi of Ekadashi has a lot of religious significance attached to it in Hindu religion. There are approx. 24 Ekadashi tithis in a year and the number reaches to 25-26 if it is a year containing Adhik Maas. The Yogini Ekadashi Vrat is specifically observed by Lord Vishnu devotees who consider it to be the most piousContinue reading “Yogini Ekadashi 2023 – Everything You need to Know!”

क्या जन्म नक्षत्र हमारा भाग्य निर्धारित करता है?

ज्योतिष शास्त्र में ग्रहों तथा नक्षत्रों को अहम स्थान दिया गया है। ग्रहों तथा नक्षत्रों की जन्म के समय व्यक्ति की कुंडली में जो स्थिति होती है,उसका जीवन उसी के अनुसार प्रभावित होता है। आज यहाँ हम जन्म नक्षत्र के बारे में बात करेंगे। अलग अलग नक्षत्रों पर बात करते हुए हम बताएंगे की क्याContinue reading “क्या जन्म नक्षत्र हमारा भाग्य निर्धारित करता है?”

Why do we fast in Ekadashi?

The fast of Ekadashi is one of the most popular fasts in Hindu culture. Ekadashi fast is a way to purify our soul and get ready to attain our actuality through Moksha. With this holy practice, we can get away from the effects of malefic planetary Yoga and find true happiness. Though this fast canContinue reading “Why do we fast in Ekadashi?”

Will i marry for love, or will it be an arranged match?

The fascinating question for today’s youth may be ‘When will I get married?’ as this happens to be the most frequently searched query on astrological sites. Heavens decide not only the marriage but also our entire life. An in-depth analysis of the chart will reveal the nature and future of your wedded life.  The fifthContinue reading “Will i marry for love, or will it be an arranged match?”

Is Saturn In The 7th House A Deadly Position In A Horoscope?

In our Kundali, 7th house emphasises on the life partner and marriage. If there is Shani in this house, it does not indicate Shubha (Auspicious) outcomes to the native. Whether Saturn in the 7th house is a deadly position in a horoscope is not yet answered because some multiple Yogas and combinations cause this placementContinue reading “Is Saturn In The 7th House A Deadly Position In A Horoscope?”

Which Astrological Aspects Can Bless You With Beauty?

Whether it is a man or a woman, beauty is something we all care for. As beauty finds a special place in everyone’s life, we always try our best to look attractive. And do you know certain astrological aspects that bless a person to have beauty, either of self or of the partner? In thisContinue reading “Which Astrological Aspects Can Bless You With Beauty?”

Which house is seen for marriage?

For marriage, many houses are seen in a horoscope therefore it is not correct to say: which house is seen for marriage? There is no single house seen for marriage but we see many houses for marriage in astrology to get accurate results. The most important house for marriage is the 7th house in a horoscope. ButContinue reading “Which house is seen for marriage?”

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